Akashic Records Course

What are you waiting for !

If looking into your past, present or future is what you desire for clarity and decision making on life’s important decisions. Then your in the right spot. The Akashic Records are your personal records of every moment of your existence, and the Future Possible Possibilities. You have access to this and the Collective of the world. In the collective, your able to see WW1, WW2, Pearl Harbor, Y2K and much more.  I have built this course to help you on your life’s journey.   This course is a big stepping stone into all you want and desire right a your fingertips. This course will be available with Level one Reiki if you so choose. The benefits to having the Reiki is you can go into your records and heal your past and  your Ancestral Lineage. That means what you heal of your ancestress will come down the line to you and your family now. You will have your Reiki for life once you get the attunement. The course explains all you need to know to do this. I have used Reiki with many of clients in the Akashic Records and have had rave reviews. Everyone can go into their Akashic Records we just need to be shown how.

It’s not complicated and you can do them from the comfort of your home. You can grab a certificate at the end of the course. Practice is the key to the records. If you want to do readings for others I would suggest doing at least 10 to get the general idea of what your seeing and sensing. Then once your confident you can start to charge people for your services.

There is a Facebook group for those who wish to join as well. I will jump on once a day to answer any questions you may have.

REQUIREMENTS: Must have Reiki 1 If you don’t have it I will provide attunement

This course is taught by me and is up to 5 hours in length. It is done over two days 2.5 hours a day

Akashic Records Course

Akashic Records with a Private Teacher FULL PAYMENT

  • 3 Month Payment Plan

5 Month Plan