Conscious Soul Healing Name will be changing on December 20 to

Conscious Soul Healing allows your body to release all aspects of emotions, beliefs and fears that have been holding you down in what your currently going through. There are 17 inner connecting aspects to this healing. The shift from this modality is life changing. It has shifted lives to something new. Your mind and soul will shift and surrender to the new.
This modality provides help to all those ready to receive the knowledge and information to a greater state of being. This healing was derived from the galactic beings, and shared to me and a friend in 2020. These missions are still ongoing and the learning never stops.

Here’s what a session consists of: Tap into blocks, emotions and fears, loosen the constraints of body , allow the flow of energy to move and shift. As it moves and shifts you will feel a release in your soul. Work through all the ancestral lines to clear what you hold onto of theirs.

Ascension Tune up

This idea came to me while teaching a class. We all know how ascension is kicking our butts right now. This tune up will restore energy to the body. Balance out emotions and heaviness, Let go of what’s to come. Bring back a sense of peace and calmness. Walk away refreshed and rejuvenated. This session is up to 30 min and can be done over zoom video, or long distance.
$100 cad

Full Treatment

Want to experience the full treatment of conscious soul? This is an hour session guided by the Divine. I walk through 17 different areas of your mind, body and soul to reconnect you back to your inner soul. This has many moving parts to it. You will help in facilitation of the healing by acknowledging your blocks and fears and moving forward in a new state of being present. This session is for those who are ready for change and want the healing.
This session is a full hour session, participants must be present over video to do this. Please bring pen and paper to this session!
$300 cad