DNA Activation Name will be changing on December 20 to infinitysourcecode.com

What is DNA

DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. It is located in the nuclei of cells, which make up the body. Consequently, DNA can be considered as one of the building blocks of the body.DNA is a “mark of life”, which can be found in every cell of the human body.
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What Is DNA Activation?

The key to humanity’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual evolution lies within our DNA. The potential encoded into our DNA Template is that of the 12 strand DNA Template, which allows 12 dimensions of consciousness.

In addition to our 2 double helix DNA strands we have 10 additional DNA strands that belong to the multidimensional subtle energy spectrum. These additional 10 strands presently lie dormant within the 2 chemical strands in most of Earth’s people.

Humanity’s evolutionary goal on Earth was to assemble and activate this 12 strand DNA Template for progressive trans-mutational ascension. Trans-mutational progression means going from a dense state of matter into a lighter state of matter.

As you would evolve up to higher dimensions your body would transform from a carbon based matter, to a silica-based matter and eventually into crystalline liquid-light pre-matter. Your body would literally turn into golden light and you could once again consciously reach the state of At-ONE-ment with Source. This has always been and continues to be the true evolutionary path of human consciousness.

Make sure you touch base with your higher self to see if this is something you need to do at this time. If this is something your wanting to do you may need to do an implant removal first before the DNA activation , Steve Nobels on youtube has a great one. I have provided the link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUSr6DAqwfc

Physical benefits:

  • Improved cellular metabolism – increased vitality and energy
  • Balance of natural fat/muscle
  • Craving healthier foods – raw, organic, unprocessed, seasonal, local
  • Desire to purify the body with vital water
  • Decreased desire to eat excess lifeless food
  • Detoxification, shiny skin, hair, and nails
  • Improved digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients
  • Improvements in eye sight (multidimensional vision)
  • Reducing the aging process and overcoming disease

Emotional/mental benefits:

  • Improved memory and mental clarity
  • Self-love, appreciation, compassion and gratitude
  • Healed relations, understanding and kindness
  • Reduced anxiety and stress
  • Transcending negative inner monolog and embracing authentic speech (to self and others)
  • Relinquishment of impatience, struggle, resistance
  • Remembering dreams and using them for guidance and clarity
  • Absolution from old issues and ‘triggers’, as old cellular memories are transcended
  • The feeling that you are loved, the feeling of well-being, purpose, sense of security, unity
  • Confidence in yourself, the feeling that you matter and can be the change
  • Being aware of experiences occurring in the present moment, without judging – living in a state of compassion, kindness, and gratitude

Spiritual benefits:

  • Living life with a higher wisdom, a universal truth, from a state of love
    Awakening to a multidimensional consciousness
    Transcending the matter, living life from a spiritual perspective
    Inner knowledge and understanding of universal laws
    Experiencing life through natural abundance and prosperity
    Knowing and living your soul’s purpose
    Quantum leap in the soul’s evolution
    Awakening/developing your gifts – clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc.
    Remembering, on a very deep and ancestral level, who you really are, why you came to Earth and how you can be an active part in the personal and global evolution.


3rd DNA Strand–Activation is to release the death programming.

4th DNA Strand–Activation is the fifth dimensional light filter on the Third Eye is dissolved.  Additional information flows into our conscious mind allowing life to be experienced multi-dimensionally as we embody our Soul Identity. Through massive light absorption our cells remember their Divine Perfection.

5th DNA Strand–Activation-the fifth dimensional filter on the heart chakra is dissolved.  The ability to heal ourselves and others, spontaneously and instantaneously as Divine Love and Truth radiate from our every cell.  We connect to the Higher Heart.

6th DNA Strand–Activation-the Light language from the sixth dimension continues to feed information to the body cells regarding transformation into a physical-etheric being remembering our life purpose.

Crystalline DNA
7th DNA Strand–Activation is in connection with the Sixth Strand through the Heart chakra and Pineal gland. We now embody our Over soul Identity with our heart-mind fusion.

8th DNA Strand–Activation- The Light Language of the seventh dimension feeds more information into the body cells regarding transformation into a physical-etheric being. We are now receiving instructions directly from the quantum Christ Realm.

Ascension Vehicle
9th DNA Strand- The seventh dimension light filter on the Heart Chakra is dissolved. This ensures that the information we access through our Third Eye is expressed through actions of unconditional love. We now remember that we are conscious healing masters of our emotional body.

10th DNA Strand–Activation-your Ascension Vehicle activates. The North and South Poles opened to the flow of quantum Christ energy surrounding the body. Your individual Ascension Vehicle is now completely formed.

Ascended Crystalline Avatar
11th DNA Strand–Activation-A Planetary Ascension Vehicle has also formed around Mother Earth. Now, as the 11th strand activates, lines of light connect your Individual Ascension Vehicle to mother earth’s from your North Pole to Earth’s North Pole and from your South Pole to Earth’s South Pole.  We now embody our Avatar Identity.

12th DNA Strand–The Meaning and Function of the Twelfth DNA Activation-As the 12th strand activates, your Individual Ascension Vehicle is charged by a continuous flow of electro-magnetic energy through the poles from the Planetary Ascension Vehicle.  We live, breathe, think, and feel as ONE. We enter into Unity Consciousness. Remember this part is only 12 strands and your being attuned to 144000 strands.

Lords Of Karma
The Ascended Masters Lords of Karma are a group of spiritually enlightened beings. They were once mere mortals, who have undergone a process of spiritual transformation. They gained mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, balanced at least 51% of negative Karma and fulfilled their Dharma or divine plan. An Ascended Master has become God-like and a source of unconditional Divine Love to all life and through Ascension has united with his or her own “God-Self”, the I AM Presence. They serve as teachers of mankind from the realms of Spirit and stand ready to assist them in their Ascension.

These are the Lords of Karma, you can contact them at any time to talk with them about your DNA activation. The Great Divine Director, El Morya, Saint Germain, Maitreya, Kuthumi, Athena, Kwan-Yin, Cyclopea, Mary,, Sananda, and Lady Portia This activation takes place with the Lords of Karma and your records. You will need to book an appointment to do this. It will be about 15 min.

After Care
This activation can bring up a lot of emotions, headaches, head pressure, dizziness and other symptoms. It is wise for the next 24 hours to drink lots of water, get lots of rest and take time to sit with the things that may surface. Perhaps, old beliefs, relationships, illness, negative life or thoughts. Journal or just speak quietly out loud to release what comes up. Clearing old karma is important in this process. The faster you clear things that no longer serve you the better. This may feel like the first time you went through  the awakening process.

This process can take between 24 hours and a few months to fully integrate into your system.
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