Home Clearing Name will be changing on December 20 to infinitysourcecode.com

Unblocking your home and Business to prosperity

Does the energy in your home feel heavy and stagnant?
Do you feel it is keeping you stuck and harder to manifest?
Do you ever feel there are unwanted spirits in your home that you would prefer be gone?
Would it be great to have a spiritual door man to clear peoples energy as they are coming and going into your home or office?
Does your pet sit and stare at the floor or in corners of your home when it appears nothing is there? Do you wonder if it’s a spirit or a portal? Ready to find out what is really going on?
Did you just move into your new home
Revolving door of others emotions and feelings
What are you taking home for the office
. String of bad luck? Hearing voices, Hearing falling objects crashing at night? Things breaking down.Trying to sell your home with no luck?

Here’s what happens in the clearing for you.

Clearing of all spaces within the home. Removal of unwanted energy from the home. Clearing of negative spirits with inthe home. Grounding of all spaces with in the home. Crystal protection grids set up on all floors. Removal of any and all energy portals. Clearing of windows and doors. Light for doors to allow people to enter and not affect your energy or your space. restore balance and harmony to the home. Adding abundance energy to the home. Clearing the leigh lines in the home. Shield doors and windows.

If you have more than one home or you work of of your home, discount is given for both properties. Businesses that you solely own will be included in the price.

Vacation – If you are going on vacation this service is best the day of occupancy, please have the date of arrival submitted with your information.

This clearing session is done over email. Once the clearing is finished I’ll send you a write up of anything I found in the home or the people residing in the home.

Here’s what I need from you

please send me a drawing of your floor plan, not 100% necessary unless you want o send it.

Please provide how many people are in your home and business.
