Quantum Healing Course 1 Name will be changing on December 20 to infinitysourcecode.com

Have you always wanted to be able to heal yourself?

Are you being called to help others heal?

If this is what your’e being called to do, I have just the thing for you.

I want you to be able to hold Source energy in your hands and heal yourself instantly.

Do you want that? Are you ready for that?

No more handing over your power to others, you keep your power and share it who you choose.

It opens your mind to new possibilities of healing. It guides you step by step into the quantum cellular energy field, so you can harness all the power that the quantum field has to offer.

This modality is strong, powerful and no joke. I use it everyday in the healing group I run with source. This modality allows you to go from 7D healing up to 12D if you so choose it.
It opens you up to more direct energy. This modality can be used on Human, plants and all animals. You can place keys in different parts of the body for more specific healing. You can do a hands on chakra balance. Create balls of energy to do drop-ins.

With this modality you get to learn it from the comfort of your own home.
You get to have access to me for questions and help along the way.
Or you can chose to learn in a group.
This course has no limits, I want you to heal the world.

Are you ready to start you’re next chapter?

Taught over Zoom.

Net and last class of 2023 NOVEMBER 25, 2023 @ 1 PM EST

September Class

Happy Customers had this to say:

A friend’s dog was in a thunder vest for a long time, he had trauma from a past life that was interrupting its quality of life here in this life. I suggested a key to place in the dogs chest and head, just a small amount. The dog is now free of the thunder vest and living a happy life.

I had been drawn to do the Quantum Healing course for a while. Having spoken to Sheri before through other things, I really liked her open and welcoming manner. I felt at ease to be me.

The course was easy to do via distance. Sheri is so amazing with her work and helpful plus encouraging as a teacher.

The course opened up more doors and possibilities being able to integrate Quantum into my animal work.

I feel I need more spiritual development and will look at having extra tutoring to regulate my energy and guide me.

I recommend the Quantum course to anyone who is contemplating doing energy work that is looking for something extra.

Sheri is amazing!

Thank you,
Ros xxoo

Sheri is an amazing teacher! She is so patient and answers all questions , making one feel confident to practice Quantum healing. It is an easy course to take and one can reap the benefits right away for self healing or for clients.

Anyone wishing to enhance their healing modalities or learn a new one I would absolutely recommend taking the course with Sheri.

Sheri is a very gifted healer and generous with sharing her love, light and teaching with others.



The Quantum Healing Course offered by Sheri Collins will change your energy, change your abilities, and change your life. Sheri presents the course material in easy to follow steps, ensuring each participant is comfortable with the changing energies within themselves. When working with things unseen, it is easy to doubt that you can influence the energy, the structure, and lives of others. As a Quantum Healer you get to see it happen before your very eyes, see the pain fade away, the motion return, the healing begin. I am forever grateful to Sheri for opening up my ability and for supporting me when I had doubts. I am confident that I am making a difference in people’s lives and that is the main goal for any healer.

The Quantum Healing Course took me to a whole new level. Sheri is a very compassionate teacher for the student; as well as the modality. Sheri shared her knowledge in a straight forward & easy to understand way. I would definitely recommend the course to anyone that wants to take healing to that next level. I have had awesome feedback when using Quantum Healing, and felt a profound effect on myself.

Thank you so much,
Barbara Loss

Quantum is an awesome healing modality, it is very easy to follow and well thought. If you are having any difficulties, having Sheri as a teacher will make it much easier as she is very helpful and always on hand to help.

My left hand doesn’t feel like anything is sprained anymore (I think it was) and for a moment there, my eyes were focusing better on my computer screen, and I didn’t need my glasses.

from Melissa after reading a small paragraph of the course