
Sheri is truly outstanding! She has helped my family through a very trying and hard time with her amazing abilities. We had lost hope that we would be able to feel secure and even sleep in our house. She has made my house feel like a home and helped my daughter and myself get over the fear of the unknown. I will definitely be looking at doing courses with her in the future. I would highly recommend Sheri and we truly grateful for all her help. I can’t even imagine where we would be without her.

I had an Akashic Record Reading with Sheri and she is amazing both as a person and her abilities. She helped me understand my behavior due to past lives and fix what needed to be fixed to have a blessed future. I will definitely be doing more readings with her and taking some of her courses. Thank you so much, Andrea 

My testimony: In life when looking for healing and answers, and you find a person that is better than others. You want to tell others your experience! This is mine! I had years of pain, (physical and mental), before I found Sheri! During a healing session of my body, I felt in the area of each spot, tingling, vibration, even heat as she worked on me! She connected right away with me, and very accurate each time!!! She answered all my questions. And told me areas I need to work on. I felt so good, so enlightened. I’m so grateful for her many gifts! I wanted to pass it on! Grateful is a big word, but that’s how I felt! ❤️ M

Ya know Sheri Collins You are such a blessing! You are always “nudging” us to see our potentials. It seems that each time you post affirmations, it’s something I am , or need to work on. Just wanted to let YOU know that you are appreciated & loved…by this girl here! Love you~ Thank you for being YOU!

A very special thank you to Mind Body Soul Aligned Sheri Collins!!! I’m so glad I caught you live !!! Who would know that the words “supposed to “ would open doors to a whole new well being !!! Thank you so very much for this healing in my life !!! Much love , Kimmie , 💚💚💚🤗🤗🤗🐻🤗🐻🤗

When Mind Body Soul Aligned Sheri Collins did my Akashic Records reading with me, she discovered that I had a “contract” with my mother that not only affected me when she was living, but even after she passed this last September. The contract was formed originally to protect me, as she did the best that she could do at the time, but was now getting in the way of my healing and being able to grieve and forgive. When I was able to tear up and throw away that contract I felt freedom. Since that time, with some work on myself and focusing on forgiveness, my mother has been near me a few times and I have even begun to feel her support and warmth that I had been missing for a really long time. Thank you again Sheri Collins for helping me to access that part of the process.♥️

I just had the most amazing healing session with Sheri Collins 🙏🏻 I mean WOW, truly blown away. So much that didn’t make sense in my life now makes sense. My body feels so much lighter and my heart opened. Sooooooooo much to think about! Thank you Mind Body Soul Aligned Sheri Collins from the bottom of my heart ❤️

I have a story!! Before we knew Covid was called Covid I had gotten very ill twice and I didn’t feel the same afterwards!! A once healthy girl had constant aches and pains and a constant pain in my heart space!! I took the vaccine because I am a NYC teacher and I interact with children everyday!! After the vaccine I was weak, depressed, tired almost as if I was under a comatose and had a pain in my lower back where my kidneys would be!! I cried and cried!!! And that heart pain had gotten worse!! I have to tell you and I know you all know this to be true!!! There are Angels in this world and Sheri Collins is one!!! I asked for healing and chose to do her V-removal!!! Within 3 days I felt like a new woman!! The pains are all gone!!! My heart no longer hurts!! With all my heart I can’t thank you Sheri, enough!!! Your gifts are incredibly priceless!!!! With love and light ,Thank you ❤️

Sheri is a miracle worker. My bones were in excruciating pain and I was unable to sleep for several nights. My intuition led me to schedule an hr long intuitive healing with 3 card reading. I was so happy to meet with this beautiful healer. The experience was magical. Sheri was able to see everything that was happening within me, adjust my bone alignment, move me via zoom and take all the aches and pains away. She cleared past life trauma, released negative relation patterns from this life time and provided guidance about next steps in career and personal life. Her quantum healing felt out of this world and has been extremely effective. Since then, I recommended Sheri to numerous people and continue to do so. Sheri, thank you for all you do. I appreciate you immensely. You are a blessing.  ❤️ Monika JB

” I have had the pleasure of having two readings done by Sheri now and I am happy to say that everything that she said is now coming in full swing and in so many good ways. A New man after many moths of separation and divorce proceedings and then a new career offered to me.
Sheri is so good at what she does and I am so happy to now call her a friend.
I would highly recommend Sheri for anyone else’s readings. She is so energetic and easy going. Made my first experience so delightful and then with everything coming true in the end has made my experience that much better! Thank you so much Sheri you are delightful”. Stacey Ellen

I think the reading went really well! For the first time I wasn’t told what I want to hear but the opposite, and I was terrified at the thought of quitting cigarettes but I gave it a try and haven’t smoked any cigarettes or marijuana today and I also haven’t had any sickness or stomach pains. I’m going to try very hard to stick with it so I can make myself healthier for my journey. I also cut out the soda today and my wisdom teeth still aren’t hurting. I 100% recommend you for healing, it was the best experience I have had ♥️♥️

Intuitive Healing Session: My soul led me to Sheri for help with my womb. It had been giving me signs in 2020 that I needed healing and when I did have my first two sessions with Sheri it was evident that my soul led me to Sheri with good reason. She helped me heal not only an experience in this life at 4 years old but two additional parallel realities where I experienced sexual trauma as a 4 year old. She didn’t stop there, she went deeper and helped me heal key sexual trauma experiences that my soul has had in parallel realities and with that has given me back mobility within my shoulders in this life (from when I was held prisoner in another life) as well as helped tune up my body and third eye. I had also intuitively felt issues with my IUD and went to Sheri for this. She was able to help me move it into the right position and provide clarity to my question of removing it. She helped me understand the energetic cord that was linked to it and why my soul had it inserted 3 years ago in the first place. Sheri has helped me progress so far mentally, emotionally, and physically in such a short period of time so that I can start to be of service to others. I am eager to continue working with Sheri as she is truly a talented gift to our world Victoria P

I felt like I was at the end of my rope when I made my appointment with Sheri.  She took me through and explained why the things in my life have been the way they are and now what to do to change them. I felt immediately better during and after our session.  My physical symptoms as well and psychological symptoms are so much better!!  I was unable to think clearly and she fixed it all for me.  I am looking forward to our next session and her classes coming up!  I feel like I now have a new lease on life.  Thank you Sheri. 

I had a reading with Sheri, all I can say is WOW. It was so informative and packed full of information, healing and insight into my soul. I have so much to be grateful for and Sheri tops my list. This is the absolute best reading I have ever gotten. And now on to my new adventures, thank you Sheri for clearing my path. Whoop, onward and upward tribe!! Love ya, Carol

Thank you so much Sheri Collins for the gifted healing session..I was lucky enough to win that give away session and it was a great opportunity for me to experience the Quantum Healing Energy..it is A M AZ I N G❤️❤️❤️ . After the session Sheri connected with me and she was spot on all what is going on with even she went further to explain an incident happened to me from grandma and my mom ..it was really shocking to me and went over more details related to my relation with my mom, daughter and my husband …it is really a magical experience and I am still processing the healing in addition to even answer my request of advise ..it is a lot of generosity from her ..and that led me to really being more interested to learn about Quantum Healing Modality and I will one of her student in the coming level 1 class …I am so excited and I appreciate and Thank you again Sheri for all the generosity,healing, and Support ❤️❤️❤️

Amazing question and answer session with Sheri; my first time, with her but i have been following her for some time now. I am left with so much mental clarity, direction and guidance to move forward in the next unfoldment of 2021, i need it… we all need it 😄. I appreciate Sheri’s generosity to share her gift with the world in a way that’s non-judgmental and practical. Big thank you ❤️💕❤️

Two weeks ago on the 28th of December I had an “Unlock Your Blocks” session with Sheri. She showed me things as far back as my early childhood that was holding me back. Ever since then, for a lack of a better way to describe it; I have been feeling much litter and emotionally free than I have since I was a child. Among the problems that we talked about one was my problem with drinking too much. In the two weeks since the session I have not had the erg or felt the need to have a drink. As far as I can tell the things that I was using to justify drinking are gone. Even my relationship with my wife is starting to improve. If anyone has wondered about doing this session or has issues of any kind. I encourage you to do one of these sessions with Sheri. I don’t endorse people much but after the help I have received this session is well worth it. Ralph

I have recently went through a lot of trauma. It was hard to function in every day life. I finally decided to reach out for help. Sheri Collins is amazing! absolutely amazing. She did some Energy work for me. Helped open my heart that I thought for sure was busted forever! My tears were never ending on a daily basis. She helped heal something inside of me that I couldn’t. I am Forever Grateful to this Angel of healing and light. what an amazing person she is. seriously. Thank you. thank you. cant sing her praises loud enough. Sheri is an incredible healer. She has helped me to avoid a massive surgery proposed for my knee.  Her healing work has saved me both spiritually and physically. I would not be able to walk today without her healing energy. She’s a wonderful light worker and has clearly found her highest calling.

After struggling with my life for over two decades including: anti-depressants, therapists, self-help books, and tears in my beers, Sheri’s guidance enabled me to recognize and overcome the obstacles in my life–that I had allowed, to limit myself. Sheri’s intuition and wisdom created a safe and productive space to explore who I truly am and discover the sources of my limiting belief-system and the self-sabotage I allowed within my own life. I was able to reconstruct my belief-system with Sheri’s guidance and after only 3 months of receiving her enlightenment, I am finally able to say with confidence that I not only ‘know’ myself, but love myself. Most importantly, I have a new foundation to build the rest of my life on. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to work with Sheri, and even more grateful for the positive impact her teaching has inspired in my

This lady knows her stuff. Even if you don’t believe in it, it doesn’t hurt to give it a shot. She can answer questions about past lives, clear your blockages, go into your Akashic records, talk to your spirit guides, etc. She has courses as well but she is constantly doing free readings and floored me with her accuracy. I was skeptical and frightened of this stuff until i had some experiences that forced me into believing. Being skeptical is good but so is going in with an open mind. I wanted to share in case there’s anyone feeling a little lost or needing guidance. So add her group if interested and think of some questions for her. She’s such a genuinely nice and talented medium. I believe her LIVE begins at 12 noon today. If this isn’t your thing, then that’s ok too. I want everyone to be as amazed as I have been

I have a video of one of her QandA’s where she answers couple of my questions just to give an idea of what it’s about. Really chill and down to earth approach about her style. I have had a number of opportunities in the past few months to be on Sheri’s generous free calls on Facebook. She has cleared parts of my Akashi records, given great intuitive insight and very practical advice.
I love how down to earth she is, especially with her extraordinary spiritual connection.
Thanks Sheri for helping me to make changes to improve my life.


I wanted to share my experience. I was blessed winning a free 30min reading. I was working and not ready so it was 20min long. I am ok with that because in that 20min I learned a lot. Sheri was amazing! She told me things I was too afraid to ask her about and she also helped me figure out what my path in life should be. I had always wanted to do certain things but was too afraid to take the chance. I have a lot of people that depend on me at I was overwhelmed by it all BUT she made me see that I am in this situation because that is where I was meant to be. It is up to me to help them. I will soon start the path I am destined to take. I thank you Sheri!!!! I will most definitely book a session for healing and another reading. I will be a little more prepared hahahaha if you have not done a reading with Sheri I highly recommend you do!!!!!!

I participated in a live group reading a couple months back. I was blessed to speak with Sheri. I wasn’t even thinking about the constant pain I’ve had in my back for years. I asked about my feeling of being stabbed in the back but never have been, in this lifetime. She discovered I had been in a previous life, closed her eyes, focused her energy on my back and BAM, no more back pain. It’s been 3-4 months? I’m still pain free! And so happy! Thanks again Sheri!

Kim Tobias

Recently I had taken one of Sheri’s online courses. At one point during the class Sheri added her input and mentioned for me to pay some attention to an area by my kidney. Just a week prior to this class I had a medical x-ray done. They detected something by my kidney, adrenal area and asked that I have CT scan done so they could get a better look at their findings. I then told Sheri about my x-ray and she kindly offered to do a healing on me later. After the class she contacted me. We discussed a few things and she proceeded on her end with the healing. Good thing she asked me to stay put at home for the remainder of that day. Just as she said I became very tired. I did sleep quite a bit for the remainder of the day.
The following Monday I had the CT scan done. The doctors office contacted me on the results. Thankfully what they had first saw in the original x-ray was now gone!!
I can not thank Sheri enough for her kind heart and strong healing that dispelled whatever had been showing up in my body.
Sheri has been very blessed with her abilities and is making wonderful use of them by helping people in need. Thank you Sheri!!!


It has been about a week since I had a reading and akashic done by Sheri. Let me tell you I have not felt this good in a looooong time. My list of ailments is a lengthy one for sure. She wasn’t able to take care of all but the major ones. I can now get outta bed with ease. Get out of my car without a struggle. I can now squat and get up without having to hold on to something or someone. I no longer have chest pains. I have had 1 anxiety attack as to the many I had a day. Back pain is minimal. I no longer feel like someone is stabbing me in my shoulder. My whole right side of my body no longer has limitations. She said it will take a few weeks for it all to kick in. Can you imagine how I will feel in 4 weeks!?!?!?! She also helped me release all the hate and hurt I had towards certain people in my life. Words can not describe how much I appreciate all that she has done. I am no longer a hot mess. I feel amazing! I have lots more to heal within myself and some life changing decisions to make but I KNOW my purpose in life. Thank you thank you thank you Sheri!!!!!!!!! And thank you Shannan Marie for always being there.


To say Sheri has helped me would be an understatement! This woman has provided me with so much information and healing over the past two months I could not be more grateful! My first session with Sheri she explored some of my past lives in the Akashic Records and did some healing as well. The shifts I felt were so amazing and Sheri really helped me to feel more confident! A few days after my session, I quit my job and decided to take my Holistic business full time! Two weeks after my Akashic reading, this lovely woman taught me one-on-one how to tap into the records for myself and others! Learning this modality has taken my spiritual practice and overall wellbeing to the next level! Though, the past few days I had been quite busy & slacking a little on self care, I woke up this morning in an awful amount of pain- I actually thought my appendix may have burst! After about an hour at the hospital, I tuned into my guides and asked them for guidance & healing. They told me I was in the wrong place, and then they showed me the beautiful Sheri! I sent her a message and within minutes she was doing her thing, helping me release some blocks! After another hour, the pain was almost completely gone! No doctors or nurses, just the wonderful Ms Sheri & Source


Thank you so much for all that you do & share! You’re the best & so appreciated!

“I honestly have no words to describe how incredible Sheri is but let me give it a try… She is one of those rare humans super talented, kind, incredibly compassionate and honest. My work with her has been healing, emotional, funny and unique to say the least”.

“Do I recommend anyone working with Sheri ? Yes!!!! We should all work with her why? Because understanding our past/ present will help us embrace who we are as humans. Healing comes in many ways”. Xox IS

Thank you,feeling good,you are the only person who has ever been able to get this stuff to move,impressive,thanks again. ” John Payne , Ireland

Thank you Sheri for the wonderful distant healing you sent me. And l really appreciate you rechecking the energy and working on me to release more blocked energy the following day; as well as the advice you offered. A wonderful experience. In love and light. ” The Lady form CORK Ireland”

” About a month ago, I had a small hit to the head that resulted in a mild concussion. I didn’t seek medical attention right away, as I hit my head before with no major issues. Within 48 hours, I was in the emergency room because I started to experience dizziness, headaches, and had issues with my short term memory, as well as issues speaking (as in, I was starting to sound like a very confused Yoda). I spent the next 2 weeks trying to get as much rest as possible, and followed the doctor’s advice, basically, take Tylenol, and a prescription anti-nausea medication as necessary, take a vision break for 5 minutes every hour, and go to physical therapy for vestibule issues (vertigo). I found myself having a very bad anxiety attack, and was advised to contact Sheri for Reiki. Boy, am I glad I did. After the first call, Sheri did a session of Reiki and Magic Healing, and not only was my anxiety attack over, I felt better than I had since I hit my head. I was able to sleep, and got more much needed rest. A couple of days later, Sheri did another session, right before I was to go to my scheduled Physical Therapy appointment. I found that the dizziness was gone, and my daily headaches had subsided. I sound like me, instead of Yoda, and I have been discharged from Physical Therapy after the first visit, as my symptoms are gone! Thank you Sheri, you’ve helped me once again where western medicine alone has not!” Melissa Siaotong

I have had the pleasure of having two readings done by Sheri now and I am happy to say that everything that she said is now coming in full swing and in so many good ways. A New man after many moths of separation and divorce proceedings and then a new career offered to me.
Sheri is so good at what she does and I am so happy to now call her a friend.
I would highly recommend Sheri for anyone else’s readings. She is so energetic and easy going. Made my first experience so delightful and then with everything coming true in the end has made my experience that much better! Thank you so much Sheri you are delightful. Stacey Ellen

Thank you Sheri for the remote healing. Before the healing, I had severe congestion and I feel it’s been clearing out within the past few days. I also appreciate the additional healing you did with my back and feet. Overall, I feel better and have been sleeping better the last few nights. Thanks again!

Sharon H.


I received a Quantum healing a couple days ago from Sheri….for the first time in 2 and a half years I dont feel like the pain is crushing and suffocating me…I feel lighter and have a sense of power instead of helplessness over my pain and healing….nothing else had worked for me because I could not forgive what and who caused the pain for me to move past it or even process it on my means alone…. i needed more guidance and Sheri provided that for me and I will always be in her debt for what she has given me….it is priceless…thank you so much…Rachele W

Tiffany So I thought U’d get a kick out of this. I found out before Christmas I had 2 rather large cysts (between golf ball and softball) on my ovaries 1 on each side. So I’ve been sending quantum to them regularly and I had a sono today and they are both gone!!!

Sheri has a beautiful and uplifting energy. Her voice and words are healing in themselves and she is truly gifted


You can feel her heart when she speaks. Her warmth is not coddling but encourages you to shine in your own strength. I recommend Sheri to anyone and everyone, as well all need this kind of love and healing in our

Melissa s
One day, I came across Sheri on FB. I was feeling off, like I needed to change something, but, didn’t quite know what.. I saw that she was able to go into my Akashic records, so, I decided to see what she could see. What she saw in my Akashic Records was pretty amazing. Long story short, every thing she told me about related to different aspects of my life at the time.
In one of the past lives she described, I suffered from Acid Reflux. I think I passed from that life from complications to it. At that point, I had been suffering from Acid Reflux and was at the point of needing to take Prilosec on a daily basis. Sheri went back into the Akashic Records for me, healed my Acid Reflux issues from that life, and within 6 weeks, I only needed to take Tums occasionally for my Acid Reflux. Within 6 months, I don’t even need Tums. This has been a game changer for me!
Thank you Sheri!

So Sheri did Quantum healing on me Friday evening and I had never had this done before and to be honest know nothing about it really. She lifted a whole lot of negative from me and I felt it. To the point where my knees were giving out on me. I cried a lot, uncontrollably and it was glorious!!! Saturday I was tired the whole day but felt great at the same time and today is Sunday and I finally am able to write a review. I feel so light, the trauma I was carrying feels gone. Like I am able to start my life again. I already told people about Sheri and what she did and I am for sure going to do this again. This lady is unbelievable. Love and light, my beautiful souls
Vesna pavlovic

“Done the aura reading course.! It is great, easy to follow and Sheri is great help when needed.. have had great feedback from this and would highly recommend you do if you are drawn to it!! Paul McFeeley

Dear Sheri, thank you for the Healing work that you carried out on me, it has certainly, started to work, I had been trying for some time to deal with it, glad I found you. All the best and good luck with your endeavors. David

Sheri is amazing and I am so grateful.
I have been chronically ill most of my life. Then I met Sheri…she has helped me so much. I was suffering from debilitating headaches for the last 15 years. She helped me heal and understand why I had them and within 3 days, GONE COMPLETELY. I never thought I would ever be rid of them, it’s a miracle.
She has also taught me how to speak my true self and love me completely.
My life is changing more everyday, her healing energy stays with me at all times. I have also learned how to heal me. Thank you so much Sheri. Many blessings to you.


Hi Sheri,
Thank you so much again for yesterday’s reading. I’m not sure how/if I can write a testimonial directly onto your website so I’m just going to send this in this message & you can copy & paste?

I had a wonderful reading/healing session done very recently with Sheri Collins. She was so nice & very helpful in helping me along my journey. We did a live video call and in that call I was amazed at the information I was receiving. Not just the information itself, but the way she delivered it. It was an interesting combination of akashic records, mediumship, healing, with some coaching all in one! She hit upon so many things that were either going on now or in my past life that really made sense! She also gave me sound guidance on how to implement this information to help me to keep moving forward in the right direction. Her love, caring & enthusiasm comes through in what she is gifted to do. I was very grateful to have been able to work with her! I highly recommend it to anyone at any place in their journey! Love & Peace


I had a wonderful reading/healing session done very recently with Sheri Collins. She was so nice & very helpful in helping me along my journey. We did a live video call and in that call I was amazed at the information I was receiving. Not just the information itself, but the way she delivered it. It was an interesting combination of Akashic records, medium ship, healing, with some coaching all in one! She hit upon so many things that were either going on now or in my past life that really made sense! She also gave me sound guidance on how to implement this information to help me to keep moving forward in the right direction. Her love, caring & enthusiasm comes through in what she is gifted to do. I was very grateful to have been able to work with her! I highly recommend it to anyone at any place in their journey! Love & Peace

M. McCall/Mass.-USA

Hello beautiful souls-

My name is Isabel. I wanted to take a few minutes and share with you all my beautiful experience and the journey I’ve shared and continue to share with Sheri Collins.

If anyone asked me how I met this extraordinary human; I wouldn’t be able to ping point exactly when or how we crossed paths all I can say it was simply Divine Timing. Sheri came into my life, and my families exactly when I needed the most guidance and healing.

She has not only help me grow into the person I’m today but has very kindly helped my entire family.

I can honestly and genuinely say she is simply one of the greatest humans I have ever had the honor to work with.

If you are looking for healing, spiritual growth, coaching or simply someone to help you understand your now I recommend you work with her. She is honest, kind and so gifted. Maybe this quick note be your divine sign.

We all need guidance from time to time, and finding someone we can trust during this very special, difficult, scary yet beautiful time it’s key.

Thank you Sheri for being the angel you are.

With so much love,

Sheri is an amazing teacher! She is so patient and answers all questions , making one feel confident to practice Quantum healing. It is an easy course to take and one can reap the benefits right away for self healing or for clients.

Anyone wishing to enhance their healing modalities or learn a new one I would absolutely recommend taking the course with Sheri.

Sheri is a very gifted healer and generous with sharing her love, light and teaching with others.



I’ve just had a course with Sheri for the Akashic records,
omgosh,….I didn’t think I could do this but Sheri had me going in & seeing a life in my past where I had hurt my back I saw my guardian angel looking over me, I saw a light worker in another life …I’m so excited by this, I healed myself in another life this has really blown me away,
if I can do this anyone can Sheri was amazing guiding me through the first lives then I was given full reins, I would recommend coming to Sheri for a course, you won’t regret it ..thank you so much Sheri you’re awesome xoxo

Good morning! I want to validate something. Two weeks ago tomorrow, I took part in the live reading Sandra hosted. I got to talk with a past life reader, I wanna say Sherry? I’ve always had this fear of being stabbed in back & it’s turns out I was. Sherry did her thing & said my pain was now gone. (I don’t remember saying I had pain LoL) yet here we are, almost 2 weeks later & it dawned on me recently I haven’t had any pain in “that spot” since! I’ve suffered with that pain forever! I’m so happy! thank you to Sherry as well. Sorry if I spelled her name wrong. ❤KIM W

I always smelled burnt flesh when she had a shower. I did some Akashic work doe her and no more smell. Yes i have just got to add i can have a shower with no singed hair smell or burning flesh , and that’s amazing thank you so much for this healing very much appreciated 💖 them smells wasn’t very nice ❤️🙏👼

I had been drawn to do the Quantum Healing course for a while. Having spoken to Sheri before through other things, I really liked her open and welcoming manner. I felt at ease to be me.

The course was easy to do via distance. Sheri is so amazing with her work and helpful plus encouraging as a teacher.

The course opened up more doors and possibilities being able to integrate Quantum into my animal work.

I feel I need more spiritual development and will look at having extra tutoring to regulate my energy and guide me.

I recommend the Quantum course to anyone who is contemplating doing energy work that is looking for something extra.

Sheri is amazing ! Thankyou Ros xxoo

Sheri is an amazing teacher! She is so patient and answers all questions , making one feel confident to practice Quantum healing. It is an easy course to take and one can reap the benefits right away for self healing or for clients.

Anyone wishing to enhance their healing modalities or learn a new one I would absolutely recommend taking the course with Sheri.

Sheri is a very gifted healer and generous with sharing her love, light and teaching with others.



I love QUANTUM! Such an incredible healing modality.

Taking this course was @Sheri Collins was life changing for me. The course itself is very easy to follow and Sheri truly is an amazing teacher.

The course has changed my life. Not only are spiritual gifts enhanced by Quantum but my clients absolutely love it!!!!!

I will absolutely recommend anyone who is looking to learn a new healing modality or simply learn new ways for self healing. Quantum is the way to go!!!!

Thank you Sheri for sharing this incredible gift with the world!


Quantum is an awesome healing modality, it is very easy to follow and well thought. If you are having any difficulties, having Sheri as a teacher will make it much easier as she is very helpful and always on hand to help.

The Quantum Healing Course offered by Sheri Collins will change your energy, change your abilities, and change your life. Sheri presents the course material in easy to follow steps, ensuring each participant is comfortable with the changing energies within themselves. When working with things unseen, it is easy to doubt that you can influence the energy, the structure, and lives of others. As a Quantum Healer you get to see it happen before your very eyes, see the pain fade away, the motion return, the healing begin. I am forever grateful to Sheri for opening up my ability and for supporting me when I had doubts. I am confident that I am making a difference in people’s lives and that is the main goal for any healer.

The Quantum Healing Course took me to a whole new level. Sheri is a very compassionate teacher for the student; as well as the modality. Sheri shared her knowledge in a straight forward & easy to understand way. I would definitely recommend the course to anyone that wants to take healing to that next level. I have had awesome feedback when using Quantum Healing, and felt a profound effect on myself. Thank you so much, Barbara Loss