Unlock your Blocks to Freedom Name will be changing on December 20 to infinitysourcecode.com

This is a very special program. This program helps people to unlock and unblock impediments from their life so they can move forward. No more feeling the weight of the past or present. It can be relationships, money issues, physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, writing blocks. It can be from parent to sibling relationships, self- doubt, not good enough thoughts, cheating. All of these areas and more can be freed. It’s up to you when it’s time to start. If you are ready to move forward and feel free of the the burdens you’ve been carrying around, this is the session for you!

I channel Source for this session. He guides where and how to proceed with helping you live your best life. This program is a one on one session. You can have as many sessions as you like. It’s the end result that counts. You can purchase one session for $190.00 for an hour or you can purchase a package deal.

I have done this program on many of people including my self. I was able to release every money block and every self- doubt I had. I am free of it all. Now I live for me.